August 25, 2005
Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster If you haven't heard, there is a proposal before the Kansas School Board to give Intelligent Design (ID) theory equal time to Evolution in the state science curricula. The problem with this (at least, as I see it) is that ID theory uses the worst kind of ontological pseudo-science to justify its existence. (Not that I don't believe in the creation of the universe by a higher being of some sort, it's just I don't think ID theory properly falls under the umbrella of present-day science.) Anyhow, as a response to this, a guy in Oregon has drafted a letter to the Kansas School Board demanding that if ID theory gets time in state science classes, his theory (which is just as valid as ID theory) should get time as well. He believes that the universe was created by the Flying Spaghetti Monster. Bask in his noodly greatness! August 14, 2005
Player's Compendium PDF available! Very quick note here, because I am knackered after my sister's wedding this past weekend. It was a good time, but the tale of that will have to wait for another day. I would like to announce that the PDF version of the Earthdawn Player's Compendium is available from Drive-Thru RPG! Here's a direct link for you... Player's Compendium PDF. This means that the print version should be available in about 2-3 weeks (assuming it all looks good). Stay tuned for further updates! August 08, 2005
New Earthdawn novel! Hey all. Over at Lost Earthdawn, they have started taking pre-orders for Scars, the first part of Caroline Spector's Immortals trilogy. The third part, Worlds Without End, was released as a Shadowrun novel about ten years ago. The first two parts (Scars and Little Treasures) were never released in English -- only in one or two foreign-language translations (German and, I think possibly French). It's nice to see the first two books finally seeing the light of day, and I encourage you to support their release, and spread the word around that they are finally available! (Lost Earthdawn has no relation to, or connection with RedBrick Ltd. and our Earthdawn Classic efforts. They are in the same setting, though, and we want to encourage the renaissance of the Earthdawn line.) August 04, 2005
Which X-Man are you?
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