May 28, 2006
Groovy new video podcast! I used to be a big fan of TechTV -- especially The Screen Savers, with Leo LaPorte, Sarah Lane, and so forth. When the show got canceled (along with several other quality shows) in the wake of the G4 merger, my interest in the network waned -- the only thing of interest left was X-Play. But I have since done away with cable ($80 a month for something I only used a couple of hours a week... a little steep, if you ask me), so I'm not even watching that now. Anyway. Many of the people on the shows kept blogs, and I've kind of kept up with the doings in their life. I recently learned that Sarah Lane and Brendan Moran got married, and are planning a year-long trip around the world. They will be producing a podcast video travel diary, and the first couple of episodes are up on the feed. It's really good. Both of these guys were great talents when the were on TechTV, and they are obvioulsy using those abilities to make an entertaining show. I recommend checking it out... head on over to brendanandsarah.com, the home of their little production, with links to their travel blogs and the podcast in question. May 21, 2006
Two things Two things this time around. First is a quick word that my in-character Vampire podcast, The More Things Change has had an update. The other thing -- I finally finished reading Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell this past week. I say "finally" because it took me a long while to get through it. I liked it, but it was long (800+ pages), the pacing was slow, and I couldn't read more than a chapter or two at a time. Still, it does a very good job at evoking the tone and sensibility of 19th Century literature. I don't know that I can actually recommend it, but if you're looking for something a little different from the usual connect-the-plot mass-media best seller... you might find it interesting. I haven't been reading as much as I would like, in part because I'm so backlogged on the podcasts that I listen to (not to mention my editorial and development work on Earthdawn. Right now my list of 'books to read' includes the following (in no particular order):
And that's just off the top of my head. I'm sure if I pored over the bookshelves in our house I'd find another dozen or so books I'm interested in. Ah well. Nobody ever said the life of a literary geek was an easy one. May 12, 2006
The Stupidity of Some People (Part the Second) I know I said this would be a series, but I haven't added anything to it since the initial entry way back in January. Anyhow, I thought I would actually try and make this a series by adding another chapter in the saga of brainlessness. You know how sometimes somebody will do something that makes you want to grab them by the shirt-collar, smack them across the face sometimes, and ask them if they're totally mental? Well, one of the guys I work with pulled something like that not too long ago. His girlfriend, who also works in the offise, is several months pregnant -- due sometime in late June, I think. Anyhow, this shining example of human intellect and compassion made a less-than-brilliant comment. He expressed concern that she would have trouble losing the extra weight after having the baby, because he "didn't want a fat girlfriend." Hubba-wha? I'm sure it took a great deal of restraint on the part of the other women in the office to keep from stringing him up by his man-parts. May 11, 2006
LiveJournal and MySpace I have succumbed to the dark side... I have both a LiveJournal and MySpace account. The main reason for this is beacuse I have several friends who use one (or the other), and I like to keep up with what's going on with them. I will occasionally cross-post entries from here into my "lesser" blog accounts... but this will be the main place to come for news, info, commentary, etc. Anyhow, if you're interested in adding me to your appropriate friend list, feel free to add me. Here's a link to my MySpace priofile. And here's my LiveJournal. May 03, 2006
Support internet neutrality! There is a bill before Congress (being voted on next week) that threatens the ability of average users to access and post content on the internet. Everything we do online will be hurt if this law passes, giving the telecommunications companies more control over the flow of traffic on the Internet. Providers like AT&T are lobbying hard to gut Network Neutrality -- the key to Internet freedom. Right now, the big providers can't choose which websites open most easily. If they get their way, they can start doing just that. If Net Neutrality is gutted, many sites -- including Google, eBay, and iTunes -- would either have to pay "protection money" or risk having their websites process more slowly on your computer. That's why these high-tech pioneers, plus diverse groups ranging from MoveOn to Gun Owners of America, are opposing the effort to gut Internet freedom. You can do your part by signing this petition and telling your member of Congress to preserve Internet freedom. Click here. The petiton will be delivered to the House of Representatives next week, prior to the vote. |
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