November 30, 2007
Something to occupy your time, since the writers are still on strike Stranger Things If you like the trailer, be sure to visit StrangerThings.tv. November 29, 2007
November 19, 2007
Earthdawn Spreadsheet Look at that! More than one update this month! I've had an Excel spreadsheet that allowed the creation and tracking of characters for a few years now. The original sheet was developed for use with First Edition, and I did some debugging and data entry to add in material from some of the sourcebooks and expansions FASA released. When Second Edition came out, I worked on a conversion for that. I have been pecking away at a conversion for RedBrick Ltd's edition for a number of months now, and have decided to make it available for download so I can get feedback and assistance in finding the last few errors and whatnot that are no doubt hidden away. You can download the file here. It is a Zip file that contains the 1.2Mb Excel sheet. There isn't a user's guide for this yet (it's on my to-do list), and there are a few features that don't work quite right (the list of available knacks does strange things as you hide/unhide talents on the build page), and these are on the list for debugging (if somebody can figure out a fix, let me know). Any questions, comments, or feedback, let me know. November 18, 2007
Writer spotlight posted Just a quick update before I head off to bed. RedBrick Ltd has been posting a series of Writer's Spolights, an interview (of sorts) that highlights the people who work on the Earthdawn game. Mine was recently posted, and you can read it here. I'll try to have more updates soon, but I've been really busy with work and everything. Until next update! |
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