February 06, 2008
Time management I totally suck at managing my time. I have three or four projects going, and rather than spend time working on any of them, I futz around on message boards, play video games, post to my blog (*grin*) and generally waste time. Part of this, no doubt, has to do with being tired much of the time. I work until 9pm or so, get home closer to 9:30, and then only have a couple of hours before I go to bed... or at least, that would be the plan. I don't tend to get to sleep until 1:30 or 2:00, and then Ty tends to wake up at the crack of dawn (6:30 or 7:00), and I need to feed her and take her downstairs. She'll play in her playpen, and I can generally get another couple hours of sleep, but I'm not getting a full, uninterrupted night. Don't get me wrong -- it's a price I'm willing to pay, because Ty is such an adorable little munchkin (getting bigger every day). Still, there are times that I feel like I'm not accomplishing anything... aside from bringing in the money necessary to keep us all clothed, housed and fed (which is worthwhile, but not terribly fulfilling, creatively speaking). Maybe once the new job starts in a couple of weeks, and I'm on more of a daytime schedule, I'll be able to manage my time a little better, and actually get stuff done... Yeah, right. February 05, 2008
End in sight? According to the latest post from United Hollywood, there are information meetings planned for the guilds this upcoming weekend. When coupled with the rumors that a deal is close, are we looking at an upcoming end to the WGA strike? It would be nice, but I'm not holding my breath. There is a lot at stake here, and while I would like to see some shows return (or at least, know that we'd have new episodes coming up this fall), I'm willing to trade that to see the right kind of deal offered to the writers. Still... here's hoping! February 03, 2008
Two posts in one night? I know, amazing, huh? But Mary pointed me to the Baby Blues comic from January 16. It describes my life. ![]() Baby Blues is (c) 2008 Baby Blues Partnership, distributed by King Features Syndicate. No challenge is intended to the copyright. So close... Wow. That was a great game. It is somewhat disappointing that the Patriots weren't able to attain the perfect season, but full credit has to go to the Giants, who played some phenomenal football, especially their defense, who kept the pressure on Tom Brady, keeping things close right up to the end. It wasn't until the fourth quarter that the Patriots were able to produce anything resembling the level of play they'd been maintaining all season. Kudos to the Giants, who pulled off what many thought was impossible -- beating the 2007 New England Patriots. As for the Patriots... there's always next year. *grin* |
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