February 14, 2004
Have you ever...? Have you ever read a book that changed the way you felt? I recently finished reading Daughter of the Forest -- it was sitting on my bedside table for a while, and I finally picked it back up and finished it the other night. I was in a crappy mood, and finishing this book changed that. I recommend it. Next up is Kushiel's Dart, and noticed that I've been reading a lot of fantasy novels set in dark ages Britain/Ireland -- The Dragon Queen, Daughter of the Forest, and now Kushiel's Dart. I'm not complaining, mind you, just making an observation. The Dragon Queen, by the way, had a strong ending. If you can get through the dense, slow opening two-thirds, the last 100 or so pages really reward you. I'm looking forward to reading the next book in that series, but I can only take so much of Alice Borchardt's prose at once. In totally unrelated news.... take a moment and visit the online gallery of a cool young fantasy artist, Rita (SaDE) Marfoldi. Good stuff. Anything else... oh yeah, as you may know, I'm a Questor for RedBrick Ltd., who is producing Earthdawn Classic under license from FASA. I've been in a bunch of late-night chat sessions with James Flowers, the line developer, and I have to say I'm excited about this product! Because of confidentiality agreements, I can't really spill any details, but watch this space for future developments!
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