October 10, 2004
Indecision 2004 I saw the second presidential debate the other night, and it really solidified a few things in my mind. First of all, I really feel cut off from the political process -- I don't feel that either major party represents my interests at all. Traditionally, I've voted Republican. Despite my agreement with some of the socially progressive ideas of the Democratic party, I feel that the fiscal responsibility traditionally championed by the Republicans was more important. I don't care how good an idea is, if you can't afford it, you can't afford it. I also tend to favor the "smaller government" idea -- I think that people are capable of running their own lives, and the government should stay out of that as much as possible. However, the current administration has showcased the worst excesses of the Republican party (at least, in my opinion), and I don't feel comfortable voting for them again. Kerry, on the other hand, I am familair with as a long-time Massachusetts resident (18 years). I don't trust him, and I don't trust his politics. Despite all the talk that's been going around the last couple of weeks, I have yet to hear any real plan that will effect the changes he's talking about. So, for the first time ever in my political career, I am adrift. A man without a party (though, based on what I've heard from other people, hardly the only one). I'll try and watch the last debate (this coming Wednesday), but I'm really expecting more of the same. I'm not sure yet, but I'm pretty sure that I will vote for a third party candidate (to increase the percentage of the vote they receive -- in Maine it helps ensure they're on the ballot next time around). There really needs to be some kind of change in the political dynamic in this country. It seems a shame that my generation seems to not care enough to get involved. Well, a little under a month and it will be over (for this cycle, anyhow). I don't care who you vote for, but I urge you to get out and vote. Get involved in the process, learn what you can about the candidates (locally and nationally), and make a choice.
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