March 21, 2005
Spring at last! Spring at last! Thank God Almighty it's spring at last! The "Great White North" is still white -- but there are patches of green (well... brown) peeking through here and there. It's still dark at 7:00 pm, and the temperature still dips below freezing at night... but the sun is up at 6, and the temps get into the upper 30s or low 40s during the day. The 5-foot snowbank at the end of the driveway is gradually shrinking, and there is a river of thawing ice on the sidewalk. Another sure sign it's spring? The streets here in Bangor are absolutely riddled with potholes, dips, and divots. Our poor car has been shaken and rattled as it rolls along. Another week and a half, we get the time change, and we'll really be feeling the springly vibes. I've been working hard on another (and hopefully final) round of editing on Earthdawn Classic. We're into the home stretch for real now. It's only a matter of time. James is doing layout, and it looks like we'll actually have a book out this spring. In another bit of news, James and I will be at Origins this June. We won't have a booth, but we will be running some events, pimping the book, and meeting a whole bunch of people that until recently we've only spoken with online. If you can make it, we'd love to meet you. Origins is in Columbus, Ohio, June 29-July 3. You can find out more at http://www.originsgames.com.
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