October 12, 2005
My computer is sick! It's been a while since my last update... but this is kind of an embarassing tidbit I need to share. I think my computer caught a virus the other night. I (foolishly) opened an attachement I thought was safe -- even after scanning it with Norton. Now the machine won't allow me to run Norton, won't let me open the task manager, and won't even let me open the registry editor (which is a pretty good indicator to me that I have something wrong). If you happen to receive any e-mails from me with mysterious attachments, do not open them -- even if they scan safe. I have tried to minimize the damage by exporting my address book and deleting all the relevant info from Thunderbird (my e-mail client of choice). But you never know... so be safe! This problem will hopefully be resolved in a day or two -- I have an IT buddy of mine who is going to put together a rescue disk and (hopefully) salvage my machine without having to backup everything I want to save and do a clean install ('cause that would be a pain in the ass). More updates as they develop.
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