November 23, 2005
We have a book! Hey all. Big news on the Earthdawn front. I got home from work last night to find a box from Booksurge on my desk. Inside was the draft-proof of the Earthdawn Player's Compendium! Jim got his copy delivered down in Kiwi-land tonight, so it looks like we are just a couple weeks out from honest-to-god release! A couple of weeks because we didn't quite iron out all of the technical bugs that were delaying the book -- some of the tables have 'blackouts' in them. (Click here for a sample of what I'm talking about.) As proof that we have the book, and to give you an idea of what the final product actually looks like, here are some sample pictures. (They are linked to a larger version for closer examination.) Watch this space (or www.earthdawn.com) for more details on the upcoming release! In other news, the Earthdawn Gamemaster's Compendium is finalizing layout, and the PDF version of that should be available in about a week! If all goes well, we may have both books out in hardcopy in time for Christmas!
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