April 07, 2006
My game collection A recently resuscitated thread over on RPG net contains a number of pictures of people's game collections. Since I got a digital camera this past Christmas, and since I haven't posted anything here in a while (I've been slacking, I know), I thought I would share my pics with you (in addition to posting them on RPG.net). So, here's a collage of the pics from the bookshelf in my office, arranged more-or-less as they are there. Each image links to a larger version of the same picture. Starting from the top, and then working down each side of the shelves (top to bottom, then left to right), here's what each shelf (generally) contains:
From there we move to the shelf downstairs, which has 'overflow' (mostly from recent purchases), or books that I am currently using (so I don't have to run upstairs to grab them). This shelf has Blue Planet 2nd, Exalted, Ars Magica 5th, Paranoia XP, Ars Magica 5th, Unknown Armies 2nd, Shadowrun 4 (in ring binder), AD&D 2nd core books, new World of Darkness, Mind's Eye Theatre. One or two ED books are squeezed in there as well. The ring binder cut off at the bottom is a draft copy of the forthcoming Earthdawn Player's Compendium (the one we showed off at Origins last year). You can also see a pile of print-outs on the left that I was using as editorial mark-ups. Finally, the stack on my 'desk' in the dining room -- stuff I have recently referenced, but not bothered to put away yet. The titles on these should be obvious. The spiral book at the bottom is the draft copy of the Earthdawn Gamemaster's Compendium (from last year's Origins as well). That's all for now. I should have more news later.
Wow that's quite a collection ! I'd show photos of mine... but it would just be a stack of boxes in the attic. *sob* :-D
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