June 10, 2006
First week down Well, my first week as training instructor went pretty well. All three of my students passed their first (of two) tests -- so I must be doing something right! Also, on Friday I was reviewed by Jeff, one of the managers in the office, and he gave me an excellent score! In other news, I received a package from New Zealand earlier this week -- a small cardboard tube, which included 19 new miniatures from the Earthdawn line we're putting out. They look pretty good, and I may post some pictures in the next few days. I have my fingers crossed that we'll soon be a go on the printed books front. We're still having some problems with the hardcovers (it turns out Lulu uses the same binder for hardcovers that Booksurge does... so we aren't really avoiding any problems by changing who we go through), so those may be delayed for a while longer. However, I am expecting proof drafts for the softcover editions of both the Player's and Gamemaster's Compendia, and those (according to what Jim has told me about the copies he received), should be fine. As soon as I hear more, I'll let you all know. I imagine many of you are waiting with bated breath (which is better than baited breath, because then your mouth smells like fish *grin*). Anyhow, that about does it for this round. I'm enjoying my first real weekend off in who-knows-how-long, and I have another one next weekend! I'll try not to let it go to my head.
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