July 17, 2008
Whedony goodness! Limited time only! You must check this out. Joss Whedon (co-)writes and directs, Neil Patrick Harris, Nathan Fillion and Felicia Day star... in a 3-act musical focusing on a supervillain's (the eponymous Dr. Horrible, played by Harris) efforts to join the Evil League of Evil, and win the girl of his dreams, Penny (Day). Of course, like all good supervillains, Dr. Horrible has a nemesis: Captain Hammer (Fillion). When Hammer meets Penny, and they hit it off... well, to say hijinks ensue would be sufficient. The episodes are available for free at www.drhorrible.com (or click the pic) -- but only until July 20 (Episode 3 goes live on Saturday)! If you miss the free (streaming) versions, you can purchase them from iTunes, or wait for the DVD (which Joss promises will include extras). Support this project and spread the word! It was an outgrowth of the writer's strike at the end of last year, and I would like to see this sort of thing succeed, if only because it means we might see more of this kind of thing from such talented people.
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